Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Fireworks in the Sky Tuk Songo (Happy New Year 2013)

Became an annual tradition, every turn of Year Hotel Puri Asri Fireworks Party Organizing in Uptown Progo. Fireworks Party With The Impact that Will Bring Increased Visitors Animo Hotel Puri Asri. Fireworks party at Hotel Puri Asri, addition Enjoyed By Guest Hotel Puri Asri, also be enjoyed by residents Communities Around Progo, like Gemulung Community residents, citizens and residents Cacaban Village and Community Housing Societ Puri Tuk Songo. For citizens of Housing Puri Tuk Songo Watch The Fireworks Party Hosted By Hotel Puri Asri in Progo Became an Annual Tradition and Entertainment The Cheap Festive Fireworks Viewing Jets in Progo River. Seconds Ahead Substitution In 2013, the Housing Society At 23:30 pm Castle and the village of Housing Puri Tuk Songo and Cacaban Already Gathered in Front of House dr. Reno Ranuh's Corner east Housing Puri Tuk Songo (RT 04 RW XII). And Community Trumpets Blow and boisterous shout Happy When It's Time Pointing Substitution Year In At 00:00 pm and Fireworks are lit in the Sky Tuk Songo. Happy New Year, We Welcome the new spirit and a new atmosphere. Happy New Year 2013.

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